Hazrat Saleem Chishti foundation is an initiative of Roznama Mera Watan Urdu Publication. It is the third largest read Urdu daily in India. It was founded in 2015 in Delhi and is now distributed across 70 districts.
The philanthropic arm of Mera Watan – Hazrat Saleem Chishti foundation is an organization which aims at creating better future through empowerment of all. It provides a platform for generating awareness about health, education, adolescent issues, women empowerment, water, sanitation and development issues with a thrust on advocacy and capacity building of grass root journalists. It strives to sharpen media’s focus on development issues, document news relating to social sector challenges, and uses communication technologies to enhance media space for health and development sector.
Water situation in Delhi is at an alarming point... lakhs of homes are short of water.
We must start a movement ... the rapid downfall must be stopped urgently.
People must be encouraged and engaged constantly... how and why to save water!
Welcome to ‘Save Water through Mosque’ – a unique mass-initiative on Water Conservation by WaterAid and Hazrat Saleem Chishti Foundation.
“... And we send water down from the sky, in measure, and allocate it on Earth, and lo! We are also able to withdraw it.”– The Holy Qur’an (23:18)
As one of the most important elements in nature, water is needed and required for almost all life and everything that we do relies upon this wonderful element.
Water is a valuable resource in both life and in the ways of Islam, and as such, it is considered a great charitable act in Islam to give water to another living thing on earth. Such act is greatly rewarded and brings us closer to Allah SWT.
A living thing can be another human being, an animal or even a plant; these are all Allah SWT’s creations.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) once narrated: “The best form of charity is to give someone water.”
Another way we tend to waste water is in the performing of wudhu (ablution); it is not necessary to overuse water during the performance of ablution, so long as what you are using is sufficient enough to complete the necessary ghusl.
There are many ways in which we can save water in our daily routines, such as using a small bucket of limited water in which to perform ablution with, or turning the tap off whilst brushing our teeth -along with many other ways we can look into recycling water.
“... And waste not by excess, for Allah loves not the wasters.”– The Holy Qur’an (7:31)
“Wudu is one of the prescribed acts of cleansing Muslims must undertake before offering prayers. An estimated 30 Lakh Muslims in Delhi use 30 lakh litre per day for Wuzu. The usage of water increase 10 times on Friday.
Muslim Population in Delhi: 30 Lakh 10% percent people regularly go to Mosque for 5 time prayer.On an average one person uses two litres of water for wuzu each time. This means each person uses 10 litres of water per day for wuzu.
Total Mosques – 1375
Total water usage for wuzu in Delhi only – 30 lakh Litres.
WaterAid and Hazrat Saleem Chishti Foundation will start a special initiative on Water Conservation – ‘Save Water through Mosque’
Pilot project to be carried in Bengali Market Mosque and Turkman Gate Mosque, Old Delhi – to conserve, restore, replenish and recharge the waterbeds.
Awareness Drive through Mosque in Delhi. Spreading awareness on religious occasions like Barawafat (Birth ceremony of Prophet Mohammed Sahib), Mohrram and various Urs etc. Along with Expert Session on Alternate Water Usages by religious scholars.
Save water through mosque Conclave’ - Panel Discussion with Experts, Video Film, Case Study Presentation etc.
Note: All these activities will be carried under the pilot project.